Frequently asked questions

What happens after I write to you?
We look at every message we receive and think carefully about them. We aim to reply to messages within one working week. Sometimes it's shorter than this, and sometimes a little longer. Often, we will suggest booking a meeting to think together about best next steps. Sometimes, we might ask you to complete a referral form to help us with this plan.

What's a referral form?
It's just a list of questions about you to help us to understand what's happening for you at the moment.

What if I'm a young person in crisis and I don't feel I can wait.
Our practice is not a crisis service and if you feel worried about being safe, it's important that you speak with someone. If it's an emergency, you should go to any A&E department at any time day or night and ask. If can't get there, you should call 999. If it's not an emergency, you can call 111 at any time day or night. If you're under 19, you can also call Childline on 08001111 or visit Anyone of any age can also call the Samaritans Helpline on 116123 or visit

How do I know if this kind of therapy is right for me?
Starting in therapy is a big thing, even if you've tried something like it before. As psychotherapists, we are experienced in thinking with lots of different people about what kind of help is right for them. Deciding this with you would be our first bit of important work together.

How much is it?
You can find our list of services here, and a description of fees here. The fee for an initial consultation, usually over two sessions, is £150. We would discuss fees for any further work together in these first meetings.

What if I start and then feel I need to stop?
Some people can feel worried about 'getting stuck' in therapy before they begin. There is something very healthy about this. After all, we don't want to stay talking about difficult stuff - we want to enjoy being well! Worrying about beginning in therapy is an important part of the process. With your best interests in mind, we would explore this together.