Frequently asked questions

What happens after I write to you?
We look at every message we receive and think carefully about them. We aim to reply to messages within one week. Sometimes it's shorter than this, and sometimes a little longer. Often, we will suggest booking a meeting to think together about best next steps for you or your child. Sometimes, we might ask you to complete a referral form to help us with this plan.

What's a referral form?
It's just a list of questions about you to help us to understand what's happening for you and your child at the moment.

How do I know if this kind of therapy is right for my child?
As psychotherapists, we are experienced in how to think with different people about what kind of help is right for them. We may decide upon a treatment plan that involves meeting together with you and your child, or, we may decide to meet with either of you separately. In any case, creating an appropriate treatment plan is work undertaken in partnership. Sometimes, a single consultation - with a professional formulation and recommendation - may be enough of an intervention, without further sessions at this time.

How much is it?
You can find our list of services here, and description of fees here. The fee for an initial consultation, usually over two sessions, is £150. We would discuss the fee for any further work together in these first meetings.